5 Best Vitamins for Hair Growth: A Guide to Healthy Strands

5 Best Vitamins for Hair Growth: A Guide to Healthy Strands

If you’re looking for ways to boost hair growth, it might be time to take a closer look at your diet. Certain vitamins and minerals are essential for hair health, and a deficiency in any of these nutrients can lead to dry, brittle, and slow-growing hair. Hair growth is a complex process that depends on […]

Flash drying in hair: what is it and what to do about it? 

Flash drying in hair: what is it and what to do about it? 

When analysing hair, the issue of flash-drying is frequently brought up and is approached from two different angles. The first question typically asked is, “What products cause flash-drying?” The second question is, “What hair types are most susceptible to flash-drying?” Flash-drying occurs when your hair dries almost immediately after washing and conditioning, as if it […]

Get to know your Cortex Care Conditioner:

What is the best type of conditioner for my hair? Why is Biotin and pH balance so important? Let’s talk about it!  Just like our pH balancing Shampoo, our Cortex Care Conditioner continues the repairing and nourishing process for your hair. Your pH level plays a significant role in strengthening your hair. The pH scale […]

Get to know your Cortex Care Shampoo:

Why do I need a pH balanced Shampoo, and what exactly is a cortex? Your questions answered by our long hair specialists – Yen Body. Your PH level plays a significant role in strengthening your hair. The PH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 0 to 6 being acidic, 7 being neutral, and 8 […]

Does rose water help with hair growth? How to make it at home? 

Rose Water for Hair We all know that rose water is healing for the skin, but did you know it also acts as a powerful nourisher and will leave you with thick, hydrated hair? Let’s talk about it! Rosewater is hydrating and adds moisture to damaged, dry hair – it’s especially great for processed or […]

5 ways to prepare and protect your strands this Summer

Summer days are fast approaching, and while we enjoy the sunshine and outdoors, our hair could say otherwise. If you’re determined to not let your Summer become one long bad hair day, here are five ways to ensure it stays healthy and gorgeous this season… Beach days are fabulous but can leave our strands feeling […]

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